The challenge

Only 9% of the plastic waste is being recycled. That is by far not enough to meet the sustainability objectives on recycling and CO2 emissions. New recycling methods like SYNOVA’s process are needed to fill the gap.

Plastic recycling challenge

Plastic recycling is different. Methods successful in recycling of metals, paper, and glass cannot be copied to plastic recycling. Unlike metals, paper, and glass, (packaging) plastic is light-weight and represents generally only a minor part of mixed waste. In addition, there are hundreds of types of different plastics. Not to mention the fact that plastic often is part of an inseparable multi-layer material. All in all, this requires transformation in waste collection, sorting, and recycling.

Market challenge

The packaging industry has ambitious targets to use recycled plastics in their packaging and the chemical industry has ambitious targets to produce recycled content. The current recycling rate for plastics is not near any of these targets.

The European Union has announced regulations on recycled content in packaging goods. By creating a strong mechanism to hold businesses accountable, plastic recycling content goals are no longer optional: they must be met. This is a historic move for Europe.

The direction is very clear

Plastic recycling needs to step up quickly

Continue sparring about the challenge?

Interested in learning more about SYNOVA? We’d love to share more information with you. Contact us today to discover how we’re shaping a more sustainable tomorrow through advanced plastic recycling solutions.